WORKSHOP PHOTOSHOP BASE a cura di Daniele Robotti organizzato da FOTOFFICINA 27/28 Novembre 2010 15/16 gennaio 2011 FOTOFFICINA ORGANIZE
27/28 November 2010
15 / January 16 201
the first workshop of two days
; A workshop designed for those who want to gain a better understanding of security and tools, filters and basic techniques of Photoshop. The two-day workshop will be lead users to the techniques on how to:
give brilliance and color to an image to create a great visual impact - to make selections effective interventions for tonal and coloristic creative localized - clean image from the disturbing elements and techniques for a silent montage .
objective of the course is to guide the novice step by step in 'to acquire the technical individual who joined together form the core competency in post-production digital image file .
morning -
LEVEL to improve contrast and brightness and tonal curves
to correct under or over exposed images, and how to remove color casts.
SHADES '/ SATURATION to give vibrancy and impact to the colors in our
In this first part will be 'explained how to retrieve an image does not fully exposed, and how
add a touch of brightness and color tone.
afternoon -
SELECTIONS which selection tools to use to get the better (and faster)
selection for a specific intervention.
USE OF LAZO, speed dialing, or a tool for selecting and
localized change of color.
In the second part learn how to make a precise selection around one or more parties'
image, to apply corrections, filters, or creative effects. In the evening
and 'will be a buffet.
morning -
We combine the techniques learned in the First and Second Lesson to venture into the montage that
tackled in two ways: improvement and creative. Let
techniques for working on multiple levels using the Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, and
selection techniques when you need to "clean up" a photograph of the elements of disorder.
selection techniques, processing and downsizing of selected parts from different
images, joined together on several levels in a single composition.
afternoon -
print resolution. What resolution to what size in pixels and inches.
useful filters. Reduce noise-noise ratio. Unsharp Masking. How to Sharpen.
Questions, Answers & Curiosity about Photoshop, Bridge, Lightroom, Camera Raw.
Registration is open THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 'OF 15 PEOPLE For details on costs, reservations and other information directly call 080/4911591 info @ fotofficina. biz O be the point of sale by way of Fotofficina sas Estramurale at Noon n.122 Putignano (Ba ) STAY THERE FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS CONVENTIONS WITH BREAKFAST