Friday, March 4, 2011

Knowledge-com Di Forcillo Cosimo

Yarrow eggplant sauce of peppers, carrots and honey

Le torrette di melanzane  e mozzarella sono un classico.
Tante volte le abbiamo  viste, ma effettivamente sono buone davvero.
In più portano colore e anche tanto sapore sulla tavola. Sono leggere con i condimenti grassi ridotti quasi a zero,  perciò  sane  per il nostro organismo.
La (piccola) novità stà nella salsina d'accompagnamento che si discosta dalla più consueta passata di  pomodoro e approda ad una più corposa e  di "carattere" come quella di peperoni ;-)

2 long purple eggplants - 3 peppers (red, yellow, green) - 8 pieces of mozzarella (if you can not eat the cheese can replace it with anchovy fillets) - balsamic cream for garnish - a trickle oil - a teaspoon of soy sauce

Prepare a sauce by blending the peppers after they are cooked in the oven (180 degrees) for about 30 minutes, along with slices of eggplant.
Interval Start the slices of eggplant with pepper sauce (to which you have added some oil and a teaspoon of raw soy sauce) and mozzarella by three layers (eg eggplant, pepper sauce, mozzarella and so on) until all the ingredients.
Terminate the castle and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 12/15 minutes.
Once cooked serve the milfoil on pepper sauce, garnished with balsamic cream.

PS I correct the error and apologize to the dear Sonia . Since there is the presence of cheese (although quite light like mozzarella), can not be within the parameters of respectable contest ....


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