Thursday, March 10, 2011

Destroyed Brain Tissue

Spring brings great news!

Il week end del 19 e 20 marzo sarà CREATIVO. Lo scrivo in maiuscolo perché sarà ancora più creativo. Accanto ai miei corsi di cucito, maglia e uncinetto da marzo avrò l'onore di ospitare due SUPER CREATIVE. Non voglio svelare subito tutte le sorprese però... almeno i nomi ve li devo dire, non resisto!

Da marzo il CentrOlistico potrà vantarsi della collaborazione di Alessia Spalma, meglio conosciuta in tutta la blogsfera come Beadsandtricks. Se non la conoscete ancora (ma non ci credo) fatevi un bel giro sul suo blog

The other blogger is precious Elisa Moroni aka The magic thread. Even his blog deserves a ride.

And this is the program of the weekend

Saturday, March 19

from 10 to 12 - Sewing Techniques: angles , bias or warp and finished with Silvia

from 15 to 18 - Sewing Projects with Silvia

Sunday, March 20

from 10 to 11 - and Crochet Amigurumi with Silvia
from 11 to 12 - with Silvia Jersey

from 11 to 12 - Jewels based workshop for absolute beginners with Alessia
from 10 to 12 - workshop: weave baskets - the basics with Elisa

by 14.30 to 15.30 day of presentation-demonstration
up to 16.30 "knit cafes " open to all and free

from 14.30 to 16.30 - Jewels - create a pair of chandelier earrings with Alessia
from 14.30 to 16.30 - Twist a round basket with Elisa

But there's obviously here! For those away because the bridge is replicated and it goes on!

Sunday, March 27

from 10 to 12 Course -Sewing Techniques: sos rims and cuciture
dalle 11 alle 12 - Gioielli - workshop base per principianti assoluti con Alessia
dalle 10 alle 12 - workshop: intrecciare cestini - le basi con Elisa

dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 - Intrecciare un cestino a base rettangolare con Elisa
Dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 - Gioielli - Progetto per Pasqua: un ciondolo a nido

Nei prossimi giorni tutti i programmi dettagliati!

What Do You Write On A Japanese Wedding Card

Towers pearl barley and vegetables

Cooking light but with good taste is possible. I had a little pantry in a bag of pearl barley, so I finally decided to use it. I think that gives her best in simple preparations and the taste is not as aggressive as in this case. Go down that is a pleasure and an encounter with vegetables is "cool" and spring.

palatable pleasing to the eye with all those shells that look like small beans ;-)

180 g pearl barley - 1 shallot - 2 zucchini - one yellow and one red pepper (grilled) - soy sauce - a little oil to raw - Balsamic cream (optional)

Clean pereroni and grill lightly on a hot plate. Join us in a non-stick pan along with the fine threads of zucchini, shallot rings and made two tablespoons of soy sauce. Cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes.
If it tends to dry up, add hot water.

Meanwhile boil the barley in accordance with the instructions on the package. Once cooked add it to the dressing of vegetables, pour a little olive oil and raw inpiattare using a pastry rings to give the traditional cylindrical shape.

A pleasure on the surface a short "pattern" with cream of balsamic vinegar, if you like.

With this recipe I participate to the important and beneficial Sonia contest.
I do recommend you is too important to give a sign:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chest Pain Dizziness And Numb Right Arm

Donuts (the thousand flavors) Natalia ;-)

A wild card Natalia highly recommended for various reasons (ease of preparation, are very good, it can customize how best believes choosing from wine, fruit juices, milk, etc ...) while maintaining the proportions indicated, and there will be eggs, or butter. Mica just my opinion!

So now with my two children, we followed his advice and we are too glad you did.

Again ... THANKS for these dear Natalia donuts divine.

a glass of wine (white, red, dry cake that you provided is of good quality). If you want you can replace it with orange juice, fruit juice, milk, milk and cocoa, etc ... - glass of olive oil if light, otherwise seeds - 1 cup sugar - a little sachet of baking powder - flour than it takes to make a soft dough which is easy to work (we have spent three glasses) - with a bowl of sugar cane, or tails colored droplets chocolate, chopped nuts or whatever you prefer for the surface of your donuts dusted

Take a large bowl, pour the wine and sugar dissolve it stirring with a wooden spoon, a task important to get a soft and easy to pull. Add oil, flour and baking powder.

Now Natalia recommends:
"... sit back and picked a nut from the bowl of dough, roll it between your hands and attacked the two ends , so you got your first donut, dip one side in the sugar bowl, arrange on a baking tray from the sugar-free. Proceed until you finish the mixture and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. "

I followed his advice, I did the donuts and the children decorated the surface. We used desiccated coconut, chocolate chips, chocolate tails and cane sugar .
A pleasure to do it, bake, and of course see EAT.

Tasty day:)

With this recipe for the collection Recipes for the Foundation of Saint Lucia the ndetta by Caris .

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discusso tante volte, smettila di fare la lagna! Tu domani ci vai!”...

Spero che questo sia possibile ancora per molto tempo e che non si concretizzi l'intenzione di chiudere l'Istituto di neuro-fisiologia della Fondazione SantaLucia di Roma . Auguro invece con tutto il cuore che il reparto continui a rimanere aperto e anzi si "fortifichi" maggiormente per dare sostegno e speranza ai  bimbi,  alle loro famiglie e ovviamente al personale specializzato.

Un piccolo segno di solidarietà (anche se da lontano).