Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is Sulfur Safe To Consume

Cecina with shallots, onions and fresh ginger

Sometimes you fall in love with a recipe or a set of recipes.
It happened to me with her and his interesting "experiments" (40 to date for the accuracy, completeness). When I visit I would not go away more and I happened more than once to go through almost the entire database with the growing desire to try them all. Also thanks so enjoyable and attractive photos worthy of the most prestigious cookbook.

why I could not draw back before the experiment No. 26 "Farinata rosemary e cipolle" . Non fa forse venire l'acquolina anche a voi, solo a leggerne il titolo?

Sul procedimento e i pesi, mi sono affidata totalmente (ho solo calibrato il tempo rispetto al mio forno). Discorso leggermente diverso per gli alimenti utilizzati.

Come sempre quando mi decido a (ri)fare una ricetta, gli ingredienti disponibili in casa non collimano mai perfettamente e con due bimbi malaticci, uscir fuori dal portone di casa non sempre si rende possibile, perciò qualche "sostituzione" è stata d'obbligo, ma credo e soprattuto spero, di aver mantenuto lo spirito originale del piatto.

Il risultato finale mi ha totalmente soddisfatto, perciò credo che continuerò a testare more ;-)

Incidentally my own changes:

200 gr chickpea flour - 800 ml of water - 2 sprigs Rosemary (fresh grated ginger from the root) - 1 onion (2 small shallots + 6 Cipolotti fresh) - olive oil - 2 teaspoons salt - pepper (white unless more) - (pink pepper berries for garnish)

Add water to the sifted chickpea flour and mix well with a whisk to avoid lumps. Finely chop the rosemary
(grate a bit 'fresh ginger) and cut the onion (scallion and Cipolotti) in thin rings.
Add all ingredients and let stand covered at room temperature, at least 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally.
Pour the batter into a baking dish with a diameter of 30 cm greased with oil.
Bake at 250 degrees (my oven is up to 220 ° F) for 15 minutes, turn on the grill and let brown for about 10 minutes (for me about twenty) .
Turn out gently.


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