Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does Brazilian Wax Cost

donuts and coffee philadelphia (barley)

Fancy cake at home, so I put my hands in dough and created this cake that rises and smells during cooking.
He leaves the oven, the time (just) to cool down and now posing to make a fine show. Compact, yet soft to the touch (my husband also says that with good coffee saporin "light" and not too aggressive). If it tastes
three slices and pour over the slices suggests a light-bodied, a tad bit of melted chocolate over such ..... "Condensed milk" I answered him back "more practical and the tube is about to expire."

Party la quarta fetta e sembra che abbia gradito l'abbinamento ;-)

Al pomeriggio sono rientrati i miei bimbi e la torta era ancora sul tavolo di cucina. Annusando l'aria pregnante di dolce, lo toccano col dito e decidono di lanciarsi all'assaggio. Teo ne prende poi ben tre fette di seguito... Dede la smangiucchia e poi declina.

A conti fatti tre pareri pollice sù e uno giù :)

3 uova - 140 di zucchero - 160 gr di philadelphia - 220 gr di farina bianca - 1 bustina di vanillina - 1 bustina di lievito in polvere per dolci - 2 cucchiai di caffè d'orzo solubile sciolto in acqua calda

Mix the egg yolks with sugar until creamy working them with a whip. Add the Philadelphia and mix well until blended. Gently incorporate the flour, vanilla and baking powder sifted together after they are. Add the barley coffee dissolved in hot water cooling down and finally the egg whites until stiff, stir from bottom to top. Pour the mixture into a silicon mold.
Bake at 180 for 45 minutes.

After the indicated time controlled firing forandola cake with a skewer: if it comes out dry. the cake is cooked. Let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is Sulfur Safe To Consume

Cecina with shallots, onions and fresh ginger

Sometimes you fall in love with a recipe or a set of recipes.
It happened to me with her and his interesting "experiments" (40 to date for the accuracy, completeness). When I visit I would not go away more and I happened more than once to go through almost the entire database with the growing desire to try them all. Also thanks so enjoyable and attractive photos worthy of the most prestigious cookbook.

why I could not draw back before the experiment No. 26 "Farinata rosemary e cipolle" . Non fa forse venire l'acquolina anche a voi, solo a leggerne il titolo?

Sul procedimento e i pesi, mi sono affidata totalmente (ho solo calibrato il tempo rispetto al mio forno). Discorso leggermente diverso per gli alimenti utilizzati.

Come sempre quando mi decido a (ri)fare una ricetta, gli ingredienti disponibili in casa non collimano mai perfettamente e con due bimbi malaticci, uscir fuori dal portone di casa non sempre si rende possibile, perciò qualche "sostituzione" è stata d'obbligo, ma credo e soprattuto spero, di aver mantenuto lo spirito originale del piatto.

Il risultato finale mi ha totalmente soddisfatto, perciò credo che continuerò a testare more ;-)

Incidentally my own changes:

200 gr chickpea flour - 800 ml of water - 2 sprigs Rosemary (fresh grated ginger from the root) - 1 onion (2 small shallots + 6 Cipolotti fresh) - olive oil - 2 teaspoons salt - pepper (white unless more) - (pink pepper berries for garnish)

Add water to the sifted chickpea flour and mix well with a whisk to avoid lumps. Finely chop the rosemary
(grate a bit 'fresh ginger) and cut the onion (scallion and Cipolotti) in thin rings.
Add all ingredients and let stand covered at room temperature, at least 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally.
Pour the batter into a baking dish with a diameter of 30 cm greased with oil.
Bake at 250 degrees (my oven is up to 220 ° F) for 15 minutes, turn on the grill and let brown for about 10 minutes (for me about twenty) .
Turn out gently.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Knowledge-com Di Forcillo Cosimo

Yarrow eggplant sauce of peppers, carrots and honey

Le torrette di melanzane  e mozzarella sono un classico.
Tante volte le abbiamo  viste, ma effettivamente sono buone davvero.
In più portano colore e anche tanto sapore sulla tavola. Sono leggere con i condimenti grassi ridotti quasi a zero,  perciò  sane  per il nostro organismo.
La (piccola) novità stà nella salsina d'accompagnamento che si discosta dalla più consueta passata di  pomodoro e approda ad una più corposa e  di "carattere" come quella di peperoni ;-)

2 long purple eggplants - 3 peppers (red, yellow, green) - 8 pieces of mozzarella (if you can not eat the cheese can replace it with anchovy fillets) - balsamic cream for garnish - a trickle oil - a teaspoon of soy sauce

Prepare a sauce by blending the peppers after they are cooked in the oven (180 degrees) for about 30 minutes, along with slices of eggplant.
Interval Start the slices of eggplant with pepper sauce (to which you have added some oil and a teaspoon of raw soy sauce) and mozzarella by three layers (eg eggplant, pepper sauce, mozzarella and so on) until all the ingredients.
Terminate the castle and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 12/15 minutes.
Once cooked serve the milfoil on pepper sauce, garnished with balsamic cream.

PS I correct the error and apologize to the dear Sonia . Since there is the presence of cheese (although quite light like mozzarella), can not be within the parameters of respectable contest ....