Thursday, March 10, 2011

Destroyed Brain Tissue

Spring brings great news!

Il week end del 19 e 20 marzo sarà CREATIVO. Lo scrivo in maiuscolo perché sarà ancora più creativo. Accanto ai miei corsi di cucito, maglia e uncinetto da marzo avrò l'onore di ospitare due SUPER CREATIVE. Non voglio svelare subito tutte le sorprese però... almeno i nomi ve li devo dire, non resisto!

Da marzo il CentrOlistico potrà vantarsi della collaborazione di Alessia Spalma, meglio conosciuta in tutta la blogsfera come Beadsandtricks. Se non la conoscete ancora (ma non ci credo) fatevi un bel giro sul suo blog

The other blogger is precious Elisa Moroni aka The magic thread. Even his blog deserves a ride.

And this is the program of the weekend

Saturday, March 19

from 10 to 12 - Sewing Techniques: angles , bias or warp and finished with Silvia

from 15 to 18 - Sewing Projects with Silvia

Sunday, March 20

from 10 to 11 - and Crochet Amigurumi with Silvia
from 11 to 12 - with Silvia Jersey

from 11 to 12 - Jewels based workshop for absolute beginners with Alessia
from 10 to 12 - workshop: weave baskets - the basics with Elisa

by 14.30 to 15.30 day of presentation-demonstration
up to 16.30 "knit cafes " open to all and free

from 14.30 to 16.30 - Jewels - create a pair of chandelier earrings with Alessia
from 14.30 to 16.30 - Twist a round basket with Elisa

But there's obviously here! For those away because the bridge is replicated and it goes on!

Sunday, March 27

from 10 to 12 Course -Sewing Techniques: sos rims and cuciture
dalle 11 alle 12 - Gioielli - workshop base per principianti assoluti con Alessia
dalle 10 alle 12 - workshop: intrecciare cestini - le basi con Elisa

dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 - Intrecciare un cestino a base rettangolare con Elisa
Dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 - Gioielli - Progetto per Pasqua: un ciondolo a nido

Nei prossimi giorni tutti i programmi dettagliati!

What Do You Write On A Japanese Wedding Card

Towers pearl barley and vegetables

Cooking light but with good taste is possible. I had a little pantry in a bag of pearl barley, so I finally decided to use it. I think that gives her best in simple preparations and the taste is not as aggressive as in this case. Go down that is a pleasure and an encounter with vegetables is "cool" and spring.

palatable pleasing to the eye with all those shells that look like small beans ;-)

180 g pearl barley - 1 shallot - 2 zucchini - one yellow and one red pepper (grilled) - soy sauce - a little oil to raw - Balsamic cream (optional)

Clean pereroni and grill lightly on a hot plate. Join us in a non-stick pan along with the fine threads of zucchini, shallot rings and made two tablespoons of soy sauce. Cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes.
If it tends to dry up, add hot water.

Meanwhile boil the barley in accordance with the instructions on the package. Once cooked add it to the dressing of vegetables, pour a little olive oil and raw inpiattare using a pastry rings to give the traditional cylindrical shape.

A pleasure on the surface a short "pattern" with cream of balsamic vinegar, if you like.

With this recipe I participate to the important and beneficial Sonia contest.
I do recommend you is too important to give a sign:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chest Pain Dizziness And Numb Right Arm

Donuts (the thousand flavors) Natalia ;-)

A wild card Natalia highly recommended for various reasons (ease of preparation, are very good, it can customize how best believes choosing from wine, fruit juices, milk, etc ...) while maintaining the proportions indicated, and there will be eggs, or butter. Mica just my opinion!

So now with my two children, we followed his advice and we are too glad you did.

Again ... THANKS for these dear Natalia donuts divine.

a glass of wine (white, red, dry cake that you provided is of good quality). If you want you can replace it with orange juice, fruit juice, milk, milk and cocoa, etc ... - glass of olive oil if light, otherwise seeds - 1 cup sugar - a little sachet of baking powder - flour than it takes to make a soft dough which is easy to work (we have spent three glasses) - with a bowl of sugar cane, or tails colored droplets chocolate, chopped nuts or whatever you prefer for the surface of your donuts dusted

Take a large bowl, pour the wine and sugar dissolve it stirring with a wooden spoon, a task important to get a soft and easy to pull. Add oil, flour and baking powder.

Now Natalia recommends:
"... sit back and picked a nut from the bowl of dough, roll it between your hands and attacked the two ends , so you got your first donut, dip one side in the sugar bowl, arrange on a baking tray from the sugar-free. Proceed until you finish the mixture and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. "

I followed his advice, I did the donuts and the children decorated the surface. We used desiccated coconut, chocolate chips, chocolate tails and cane sugar .
A pleasure to do it, bake, and of course see EAT.

Tasty day:)

With this recipe for the collection Recipes for the Foundation of Saint Lucia the ndetta by Caris .

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discusso tante volte, smettila di fare la lagna! Tu domani ci vai!”...

Spero che questo sia possibile ancora per molto tempo e che non si concretizzi l'intenzione di chiudere l'Istituto di neuro-fisiologia della Fondazione SantaLucia di Roma . Auguro invece con tutto il cuore che il reparto continui a rimanere aperto e anzi si "fortifichi" maggiormente per dare sostegno e speranza ai  bimbi,  alle loro famiglie e ovviamente al personale specializzato.

Un piccolo segno di solidarietà (anche se da lontano).

How Much Does Brazilian Wax Cost

donuts and coffee philadelphia (barley)

Fancy cake at home, so I put my hands in dough and created this cake that rises and smells during cooking.
He leaves the oven, the time (just) to cool down and now posing to make a fine show. Compact, yet soft to the touch (my husband also says that with good coffee saporin "light" and not too aggressive). If it tastes
three slices and pour over the slices suggests a light-bodied, a tad bit of melted chocolate over such ..... "Condensed milk" I answered him back "more practical and the tube is about to expire."

Party la quarta fetta e sembra che abbia gradito l'abbinamento ;-)

Al pomeriggio sono rientrati i miei bimbi e la torta era ancora sul tavolo di cucina. Annusando l'aria pregnante di dolce, lo toccano col dito e decidono di lanciarsi all'assaggio. Teo ne prende poi ben tre fette di seguito... Dede la smangiucchia e poi declina.

A conti fatti tre pareri pollice sù e uno giù :)

3 uova - 140 di zucchero - 160 gr di philadelphia - 220 gr di farina bianca - 1 bustina di vanillina - 1 bustina di lievito in polvere per dolci - 2 cucchiai di caffè d'orzo solubile sciolto in acqua calda

Mix the egg yolks with sugar until creamy working them with a whip. Add the Philadelphia and mix well until blended. Gently incorporate the flour, vanilla and baking powder sifted together after they are. Add the barley coffee dissolved in hot water cooling down and finally the egg whites until stiff, stir from bottom to top. Pour the mixture into a silicon mold.
Bake at 180 for 45 minutes.

After the indicated time controlled firing forandola cake with a skewer: if it comes out dry. the cake is cooked. Let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is Sulfur Safe To Consume

Cecina with shallots, onions and fresh ginger

Sometimes you fall in love with a recipe or a set of recipes.
It happened to me with her and his interesting "experiments" (40 to date for the accuracy, completeness). When I visit I would not go away more and I happened more than once to go through almost the entire database with the growing desire to try them all. Also thanks so enjoyable and attractive photos worthy of the most prestigious cookbook.

why I could not draw back before the experiment No. 26 "Farinata rosemary e cipolle" . Non fa forse venire l'acquolina anche a voi, solo a leggerne il titolo?

Sul procedimento e i pesi, mi sono affidata totalmente (ho solo calibrato il tempo rispetto al mio forno). Discorso leggermente diverso per gli alimenti utilizzati.

Come sempre quando mi decido a (ri)fare una ricetta, gli ingredienti disponibili in casa non collimano mai perfettamente e con due bimbi malaticci, uscir fuori dal portone di casa non sempre si rende possibile, perciò qualche "sostituzione" è stata d'obbligo, ma credo e soprattuto spero, di aver mantenuto lo spirito originale del piatto.

Il risultato finale mi ha totalmente soddisfatto, perciò credo che continuerò a testare more ;-)

Incidentally my own changes:

200 gr chickpea flour - 800 ml of water - 2 sprigs Rosemary (fresh grated ginger from the root) - 1 onion (2 small shallots + 6 Cipolotti fresh) - olive oil - 2 teaspoons salt - pepper (white unless more) - (pink pepper berries for garnish)

Add water to the sifted chickpea flour and mix well with a whisk to avoid lumps. Finely chop the rosemary
(grate a bit 'fresh ginger) and cut the onion (scallion and Cipolotti) in thin rings.
Add all ingredients and let stand covered at room temperature, at least 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally.
Pour the batter into a baking dish with a diameter of 30 cm greased with oil.
Bake at 250 degrees (my oven is up to 220 ° F) for 15 minutes, turn on the grill and let brown for about 10 minutes (for me about twenty) .
Turn out gently.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Knowledge-com Di Forcillo Cosimo

Yarrow eggplant sauce of peppers, carrots and honey

Le torrette di melanzane  e mozzarella sono un classico.
Tante volte le abbiamo  viste, ma effettivamente sono buone davvero.
In più portano colore e anche tanto sapore sulla tavola. Sono leggere con i condimenti grassi ridotti quasi a zero,  perciò  sane  per il nostro organismo.
La (piccola) novità stà nella salsina d'accompagnamento che si discosta dalla più consueta passata di  pomodoro e approda ad una più corposa e  di "carattere" come quella di peperoni ;-)

2 long purple eggplants - 3 peppers (red, yellow, green) - 8 pieces of mozzarella (if you can not eat the cheese can replace it with anchovy fillets) - balsamic cream for garnish - a trickle oil - a teaspoon of soy sauce

Prepare a sauce by blending the peppers after they are cooked in the oven (180 degrees) for about 30 minutes, along with slices of eggplant.
Interval Start the slices of eggplant with pepper sauce (to which you have added some oil and a teaspoon of raw soy sauce) and mozzarella by three layers (eg eggplant, pepper sauce, mozzarella and so on) until all the ingredients.
Terminate the castle and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 12/15 minutes.
Once cooked serve the milfoil on pepper sauce, garnished with balsamic cream.

PS I correct the error and apologize to the dear Sonia . Since there is the presence of cheese (although quite light like mozzarella), can not be within the parameters of respectable contest ....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Soft Stool After Parvo

My first Giveaway ...

Ok .. after much hesitation I decided to jump in and I also offer a giveaway. I do not know if they are well able to organize it but I try: D


1. Click on my blog, here is
2. Share your blog and / or Facebook page the giveaway
3. Leave a comment here to report your participation

I get everything?! No. Of course not ... the date! The giveaway will close 21 marzo , il primo giorno di primavera a mezzanotte.

Il premio è quello in foto... ma giusto per non lasciare il dubbio di partecipare all'estrazione di una proboscide verde, metto anche una foto un po' più chiara. Sono degli scaldamani, guantini, wristwarmer, comediavolosichiamano, senza dita (con il buco per il pollice) in lana merino verde prato con una pratolina sul guanto destro. Per festeggiare l'arrivo della primavera. Io del freddo non ne posso più quest'anno.

Mikuni Snowmobile Carburetor Float Setting

My poor light ...

Avevo una lampada... mi piaceva tanto, si chiamava Regolit e, obviously it was Ikea. Moreover it was also a gift ... Why do I imperfect? Here:

Miche and Lorenzo have decided to take us boxing ... and have it tanned. There has been discouraged. Especially when I discovered that there is no change of the hat ... I should buy a new lamp. Sob. I tucked my hands, I bought the white tissue paper and I started to work ...

First I placed the broken part of the cap on the tissue paper and marked the inner and outer circumference.

Then I unplugged la base della lampada dalla parte superiore e tolto la carta dalla struttura di midollino

Ho tagliato la cartavelina nuova in modo da lasciare i bordi un po' abbondanti e li ho tagliuzzati ogni 2-3 cm circa in modo da poterli ripiegare all'interno senza accartocciare la carta e ho cominciato ad attaccare la carta usando della colla vinilica diluito con un pochino d'acqua. Ho usato un pennello in modo che la carta non si stracciasse attaccandola con le dita.

Ed eccola... la mia lampada nuova :D che felicità!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bright Red Period Pregnant

Doughnut and grapefruit

An outline to the scent of citrus and sweet love made by the fluidity of amber honey. A side dish that escapes from the custom in the final flavor. Sometimes it takes very little to change "lens" to give new life to food that perhaps wrongly, we think too common to give a jolt to the palate.

Try it yourself and you wonder ...

1 kilo of carrots - 1 / 2 cup honey - 40 g butter - pink grapefruit juice - salt

Scrape and wash the carrots, then slice them.
Place in a saucepan with the butter, salt (less than most) and cook covered over low heat. Towards the end of cooking add the grapefruit juice and honey.
Finish cook, stirring often to prevent the honey from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
I'd say easier than this ...

With this outline of participated in the contest and Cynthia Caris Foundation of Santa Lucia in Rome.

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Listen, it abbiamo discusso tante volte, smettila di fare la lagna! Tu domani ci vai!”...

Spero che questo sia possibile ancora per molto tempo e che non si concretizzi l'intenzione di chiudere l'Istituto di neuro-fisiologia della Fondazione SantaLucia di Roma . Auguro invece con tutto il cuore che il reparto continui a rimanere aperto e anzi si "fortifichi" maggiormente per dare sostegno e speranza ai  bimbi, alle loro famiglie e ovviamente al personale specializzato.

Un piccolo segno di solidarietà (anche se da lontano).

Monday, February 28, 2011

Meanings Of Bracelets From Hot Topic

greek yoghurt and condensed milk

Vi piace il latte condensato ? If the answer is yes you should definitely try this cake as well as that it contains within itself even yogurt (but the good and not very liquid. Perfect to greek white).
A rich sweet flavor but also very easy to make this cake with condensed milk is a good solution, because thanks to its use, do not use more sugar or fat (butter).
So go ahead, try it you too ;-)

220 grams of flour - 1 tube of condensed milk (170 grams) - 4 eggs - 160 g greek yoghurt - 1 tablespoon baking powder

Separate the yolks from the whites by putting them in a bowl. Beat them with condensed milk, add the greek yogurt and flour sifted with baking powder.
Beat the egg whites until stiff and then merge them into the mixture from the bottom up. Grease and flour a mold for silicone donuts and then pour in the mixture. Bake the cake in hot oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. If you want you can decorate the surface of the cake with lemon glaze or alternatively with the warm honey over.
Personally, I liked it even then the "natural".

With this recipe for the collection of recipes for the Foundation of Saint Lucia the ndetta by Caris .

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discussed many times, stop doing the complaining! You go there tomorrow !"...

I hope this is possible for a long time and that does not materialize the intention to close the Institute of Neuro-physiology Foundation SantaLucia of Rome. Instead I wish with all my heart that The department continues to remain open and indeed "strengthen" more to give support and hope to the children, their families and of course the staff.

A small sign of solidarity (though from a distance).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Star Wars Roll On Backpack

Saturday afternoon

different afternoon with a walk in a suburb of Turin did not know at all, which was reviewed and advertised. In addition to
benches, in itself original and truly beautiful, there are several works on the houses of the streets around. Small
ancient lanes, where almost sealed the smell of the past, small balconies and graceful, colorful doorways, windows adorned with embroidery paintings, a very retro. What it lacks
questa'amosfera However, in my opinion, maybe not, is the naturalness in the sense that the atmosphere more than anything else is given a sense of poverty and decay rather than being natural. Maybe it's
my vein to make me see so pessimistic, but the "district of the past" seems like a euphemism to try to recover a degraded neighborhood and perhaps, even certainly not a bad thing but a way to develop it.
I do not know.
However I liked the walk and benches more!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Plastic Paint Craft Containers

Flowers of polenta with pesto.

I just want of mild days, with the sky clear and blue and the clouds that seem to splashes of cream and soothing properties.

I want to disconnect from decongestant pace too fast and that is crushing the communication and dialogue, making it a bit 'too' mechanical ' and not very attentive, always too distracted. Especially when my two chicks back from school / kindergarten so tired that they do not jump from one to another tantrum.

I want to sit on a lawn and smangiucciare little things that make you want to enjoy starting looking at the colors, scents that release the air ...

Thinking about all this is born this meadow of flowers tasty, healthy and fragrant.

I prefer to enjoy during a nice picnic with the whole family and maybe with a few friends, rather than race and tug between a phone call from work e colpi di tosse, ma vabbè non si può avere tutto.

Certo però che se li gustate ad occhi chiusi mentre sognate il profumo dell'erba fresca... questo si che potrebbe aiutare ;-)

1 panetto di polenta pronta  - pesto (meglio se lo fate voi) - 3/4 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato -  60 gr di scamorza affumicata - olio al tartufo

Tagliate il panetto di polenta in tre quattro strati. Ritagliare dei fiorellini  con la formina apposita (quella che più vi piace).
Prendere una pirofila ungerla pochissimo di olio con un pennello da cucina e spolverarla di parmigiano. Poi put on it the flowers of polenta.
Heat briefly in micro pesto to make it more liquid and put a spoonful on each flower, and finally reduced to the smoked cheese into small cubes. A slight slight trickle of truffle oil to flavor the whole way and in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes or until the scamorza not be merged.

To say that the spring is now coming forward!

With this recipe for the collection of Gustosamente on picnic (puff. .. pant ... I can make it there) and that of Caris Foundation of Santa Lucia in Rome.

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discussed many times, stop doing the complaining! You go there tomorrow !"...

I hope this is possible for a long time and that does not materialize the intention to close the Institute of Neuro-physiology Foundation SantaLucia of Rome. Instead I wish with all my heart that the department continues to remain open and indeed "strengthen" more to give support and hope to the children, their families and of course the staff. A small

solidarity (although from a distance).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Kind Of Duffel Do I Need

Cake "ice" or banana parfait

My intentions were to post three times a week, including two recipes for "adult" and a "children."
But I view my nature is virtually impossible to determine and establish fixed day, fixed (style Monday, Wednesday and possibly Saturday morning) ... I wonder if I will succeed, I certainly do not want to miss.

The section devoted to children I would love to enrich it slowly over time, Up. Starting from the starters, going nicely on the first, gliding in seconds, stopping hopeful in the contours, cercando di renderli più simpatici e accattivanti possibili. E i dolci? 
Ma certo mica posso privare i futuri chef di domani di questa magnetica e importante parte del progetto. Anzi a dirla tutta sarà la fetta più grande e sfacciatamente golosa ^_^

Dopo i Biscotti a pois proseguiamo con un altra ricettina semplice semplice, a misura di bimbo appunto, a parte l'affettamento delle banane....
Perciò care donne (nonne, zie, mamme, babysitter) se volete far contenti, ma veramente felici e raggianti i vostri BIMBETTI di casa non potete assolutamente fare a meno di provare questo "cake ghiacciato".
5 bananas - 2 tablespoons of condensed milk - 500 g of whipped cream without sugar - juice of half a lemon

5 Peel the bananas, frullale and pass them in a bowl. Whip cream, add the condensed milk and a bit incorporeal 'at a time to creamed bananas. Lining a plum-cake mold with parchment paper or aluminum, if you do not use a silicone and place the mixture into the mold. Put in freezer for 24 hours.
Just before serving, the parfait, remove from freezer and rovescialo on a platter. Decorate with banana slices soaked in lemon juice because it does not blacken or as I have done with more condensed milk to the wire.

E 'possible to prepare this parfait with any kind of fruit: strawberries, peaches, pears, kiwi, pineapple or whatever you prefer more. The important thing is that fruit and cream are always used in equal amounts (for example 3 = 300 grams of banana cream, peach 5 = 500 grams of cream, etc.). A fruit is equivalent to 100 grams of cream in a nutshell.

With this recipe I participate in the contest delicious Natalia .