Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Kind Of Duffel Do I Need

Cake "ice" or banana parfait

My intentions were to post three times a week, including two recipes for "adult" and a "children."
But I view my nature is virtually impossible to determine and establish fixed day, fixed (style Monday, Wednesday and possibly Saturday morning) ... I wonder if I will succeed, I certainly do not want to miss.

The section devoted to children I would love to enrich it slowly over time, Up. Starting from the starters, going nicely on the first, gliding in seconds, stopping hopeful in the contours, cercando di renderli più simpatici e accattivanti possibili. E i dolci? 
Ma certo mica posso privare i futuri chef di domani di questa magnetica e importante parte del progetto. Anzi a dirla tutta sarà la fetta più grande e sfacciatamente golosa ^_^

Dopo i Biscotti a pois proseguiamo con un altra ricettina semplice semplice, a misura di bimbo appunto, a parte l'affettamento delle banane....
Perciò care donne (nonne, zie, mamme, babysitter) se volete far contenti, ma veramente felici e raggianti i vostri BIMBETTI di casa non potete assolutamente fare a meno di provare questo "cake ghiacciato".
5 bananas - 2 tablespoons of condensed milk - 500 g of whipped cream without sugar - juice of half a lemon

5 Peel the bananas, frullale and pass them in a bowl. Whip cream, add the condensed milk and a bit incorporeal 'at a time to creamed bananas. Lining a plum-cake mold with parchment paper or aluminum, if you do not use a silicone and place the mixture into the mold. Put in freezer for 24 hours.
Just before serving, the parfait, remove from freezer and rovescialo on a platter. Decorate with banana slices soaked in lemon juice because it does not blacken or as I have done with more condensed milk to the wire.

E 'possible to prepare this parfait with any kind of fruit: strawberries, peaches, pears, kiwi, pineapple or whatever you prefer more. The important thing is that fruit and cream are always used in equal amounts (for example 3 = 300 grams of banana cream, peach 5 = 500 grams of cream, etc.). A fruit is equivalent to 100 grams of cream in a nutshell.

With this recipe I participate in the contest delicious Natalia .


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