Saturday, February 26, 2011

Plastic Paint Craft Containers

Flowers of polenta with pesto.

I just want of mild days, with the sky clear and blue and the clouds that seem to splashes of cream and soothing properties.

I want to disconnect from decongestant pace too fast and that is crushing the communication and dialogue, making it a bit 'too' mechanical ' and not very attentive, always too distracted. Especially when my two chicks back from school / kindergarten so tired that they do not jump from one to another tantrum.

I want to sit on a lawn and smangiucciare little things that make you want to enjoy starting looking at the colors, scents that release the air ...

Thinking about all this is born this meadow of flowers tasty, healthy and fragrant.

I prefer to enjoy during a nice picnic with the whole family and maybe with a few friends, rather than race and tug between a phone call from work e colpi di tosse, ma vabbè non si può avere tutto.

Certo però che se li gustate ad occhi chiusi mentre sognate il profumo dell'erba fresca... questo si che potrebbe aiutare ;-)

1 panetto di polenta pronta  - pesto (meglio se lo fate voi) - 3/4 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato -  60 gr di scamorza affumicata - olio al tartufo

Tagliate il panetto di polenta in tre quattro strati. Ritagliare dei fiorellini  con la formina apposita (quella che più vi piace).
Prendere una pirofila ungerla pochissimo di olio con un pennello da cucina e spolverarla di parmigiano. Poi put on it the flowers of polenta.
Heat briefly in micro pesto to make it more liquid and put a spoonful on each flower, and finally reduced to the smoked cheese into small cubes. A slight slight trickle of truffle oil to flavor the whole way and in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes or until the scamorza not be merged.

To say that the spring is now coming forward!

With this recipe for the collection of Gustosamente on picnic (puff. .. pant ... I can make it there) and that of Caris Foundation of Santa Lucia in Rome.

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discussed many times, stop doing the complaining! You go there tomorrow !"...

I hope this is possible for a long time and that does not materialize the intention to close the Institute of Neuro-physiology Foundation SantaLucia of Rome. Instead I wish with all my heart that the department continues to remain open and indeed "strengthen" more to give support and hope to the children, their families and of course the staff. A small

solidarity (although from a distance).


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