Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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balls of falafel to the scent of citrus.

The flavor of this dish can vary depending on the spices used.
As my kids would have to eat it, or at least taste it, I have not overplayed your hand with the flavors of "strong". Only ginger and nutmeg. But do not mean that we can have a tone more "spicy and decided" by adding what they like, such as cumin, coriander, turmeric or curry ....

Instead, what has pleasantly surprised me is the taste certainly not invasive, but in any case perfectly noticeable citrus, giving the whole a pleasing fragrance is fresh (data from the peel) and a smooth and "fluid" higher (due to the pressed juice), which lightens and softens the softness naturale dei ceci. 

Con questo piatto partecipo alla raccolta di Cinzia .

800 gr ceci cotti - 1 scalogno tritato - succo e scorza di un lime grattugiato - succo e scorza di un mandarino grattugiato -  2 cucchiaini di zenzero in polvere - un pizzico di noce moscata - farina - olio extravergine - sale e pepe - salsa di pomodoro per servire

Riunite i ceci, lo scalogno, le peel of citrus fruit with the filtered juice, ginger powder and a sprinkling of nutmeg. Puree in a blender until mixture is coarse. Season with salt and pepper.
On a clean work place the mixture in small heaps and give it the shape of balls, then mash them a bit. In a large pot spread the flour and lightly flour the meatballs. Shake to remove excess.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes per side, until they are crisp. Garnish with the tomato sauce and serve on plates.


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