Monday, January 24, 2011

Ovidrel Day 9 Positive

Crostini tasty chicken with green olives

Practical, beautiful to see and lots of flavors to tempt even the little children to eat until the olives, then the pieces of chicken old peak 'with his hands (a real mischief I know', but every so often ...) and then disc of bread cut with pastry rings soaked in tomato flavor. Two small samples and the meal was already 'been brushed by my belvotte, already' ready to leave for other shores. I can not expect too long for them talking about the table, but the dish will have fun and this for me and 'the thing most' important ^ _ ^

500 gr chicken breast slices - 280/300 ml tomato sauce - dried oregano and thyme - 200 g green olives - 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil - salt and pepper to taste

In a saucepan, heat the tomato sauce with olive oil a pinch of salt and dried herbs (thyme and oregano). Cook over medium heat for about ten minutes. Meanwhile cut the meat into small pieces. Spent time in the pan add the chopped chicken and cook for another few minutes, then add the olives and cook for another three to four minutes.

From a few slices of bread with an average gain of the circles pastry rings, toasted lightly, pour a little olive oil on and if you like strofinateci a clove of garlic. Pour some tomato sauce, a few pieces of chicken and some green olives ... and ready is the toast of tasty chicken.


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