Monday, February 28, 2011

Meanings Of Bracelets From Hot Topic

greek yoghurt and condensed milk

Vi piace il latte condensato ? If the answer is yes you should definitely try this cake as well as that it contains within itself even yogurt (but the good and not very liquid. Perfect to greek white).
A rich sweet flavor but also very easy to make this cake with condensed milk is a good solution, because thanks to its use, do not use more sugar or fat (butter).
So go ahead, try it you too ;-)

220 grams of flour - 1 tube of condensed milk (170 grams) - 4 eggs - 160 g greek yoghurt - 1 tablespoon baking powder

Separate the yolks from the whites by putting them in a bowl. Beat them with condensed milk, add the greek yogurt and flour sifted with baking powder.
Beat the egg whites until stiff and then merge them into the mixture from the bottom up. Grease and flour a mold for silicone donuts and then pour in the mixture. Bake the cake in hot oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. If you want you can decorate the surface of the cake with lemon glaze or alternatively with the warm honey over.
Personally, I liked it even then the "natural".

With this recipe for the collection of recipes for the Foundation of Saint Lucia the ndetta by Caris .

" I do not want to go to physical therapy, are just fed up " "Look, we have discussed many times, stop doing the complaining! You go there tomorrow !"...

I hope this is possible for a long time and that does not materialize the intention to close the Institute of Neuro-physiology Foundation SantaLucia of Rome. Instead I wish with all my heart that The department continues to remain open and indeed "strengthen" more to give support and hope to the children, their families and of course the staff.

A small sign of solidarity (though from a distance).


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