Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal Differences

Orecchiette with sweet peppers, eggplant (sun-dried tomatoes and pate)

few ingredients to give flavor and a nice splash of color to the plate, as if we were painters, artists.
Two peppers, an eggplant, a spicy paste (dried tomato by Coop) to mix everything in the place of the traditional "past" and a sprig of green peppercorns in brine.
Un magico sapore di campo, o meglio dei frutti che la terra prodiga e generosa sa offrirci... ed io ho raccolto, non con vanga e stivaloni, ma dal banco del mercato, facendomi strada tra la bolgia di donne a spintoni e qualche gomitata angelica...

2 peperoni rossi - 1 melanzana - 1 barattolino di paté di pomodori secchi (della coop circa 130 gr) - olio extravergine -  un pizzico di sale - una manciatina di pepe verde in salamoia 

Portare a temperatura il forno sui 180/190° e cuocere per circa 30 minuti i peperoni e la melanzana fatta a fettine. Passato il tempo pulire dalla pellicina and seed the peppers and cut into medium strips. Cut into even strips of eggplant slices. Season the vegetables with a drizzle of raw oil, which also dissolve the powder of paste tomatoes.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta (orecchiette I) and when cooked add it to the bowl of sauce. Mix to taste a few berries and lightly crushed green peppercorns.
Date last shot at all and still beautiful Serve hot.

you post this recipe, when it had not yet made an ugly appearance intesinale gastrointestinal virus that has decided to settle in our home.
It goes without saying that I can not run as usual in your beautiful blog and I am very sorry and thus for some days, our diet will be white, like milk and with little taste (tasteless risotto, bananas and little else).
risparimerò you right now and come back when the storm is over.

In the meantime, I wish you all a good afternoon .....


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